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File extension Details of PDN, PFF, PFF, PFF, PFF, PGN, PHN, PIG, PIZ

File Type:Dam file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Dam.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Harm Jetten

File Type:Comanche 4 game archive
Category:Game file
File Description:Archive format used in PC Game - Comanche 4.
Open Programs:

Comanche 4

Company / developer:

The best-selling Comanche series returns with this fast-paced action game that places you at the controls of a Comanche RAH-66 helicopter. In 6 single player campaigns and multiplayer, the game combines serious firepower with effortless controls and stunning, interactive terrain.

File Type:Armored Fist 3 game archive
Category:Game file
File Description:Archive format used in PC Game - Armored Fist 3.
Open Programs:

Armored Fist 3

Company / developer:

Crush Vehicles and Buildings as the M1A2 rolls over obstacles with impunity, leaving only the track of its tread path behind. Devastate hordes of advanced AI infantry with your turret mounted M2 50 Caliber machine-gun or simply run em' over with your 70.

File Type:Delta Force game archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File used by Delta Force video game.
Open Programs:

Delta Force

Company / developer:

Delta Force

As a member of Delta Force--The Army's Elite, top secret special forces unit--the word "impossible" is not in your vocabulary. In Delta Force, you will conduct missions swiftly and silently, in every possible terrain, under every imaginable condition and through unconventional means.

File Type:F22 Lightning 3 game archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File used by F22 Lightning 3 video game.
Open Programs:

F22 Lightning 3

Company / developer:

Mass Destruction! Use tactical nuclear weapons to level entire city regions. The most realistic weather environments ever created Changing weather effects including: rain, snow, hail, and wind Extreme temperatures affect flight performance. Fly it yourself or let the world's most advanced fighter do it for you!

File Type:Portable Game Notation
Category:Game file
File Description:Portable Game Notation (used for chess).

Mime: application/x-chess-pgn

PGN is "Portable Game Notation", a standard designed for the representation of chess game data using ASCII text files. PGN is structured for easy reading and writing by human users and for easy parsing and generation by computer programs. The intent of the definition and propagation of PGN is to facilitate the sharing of public domain chess game data among chessplayers (both organic and otherwise), publishers, and computer chess researchers throughout the world.

PGN is not intended to be a general purpose standard that is suitable for every possible use; no such standard could fill all conceivable requirements. Instead, PGN is proposed as a universal portable representation for data interchange. The idea is to allow the construction of a family of chess applications that can quickly and easily process chess game data using PGN for import and export among themselves.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Ubisoft Entertainment

Expands the scope of chess to include broader principles of learning. Josh Waitzkin's much-anticipated book The Art of Learning is designed to pave the road to successful long-term growth on and off the chessboard. The eight-time National Chess Champion and two-time martial arts World Champion puts users in his shoes in some of the most riveting and formative moments of his chess career, including the legendary climactic game from the book and film Searching for Bobby Fischer.

File Type:Phun scene file
Category:Game file
File Description:PHN is the ending of the Phun scene files. When you save a scene in Phun it will be saved to a phn-file in Phun/Scenes/. The phn file format is a human readable text format, which can be edited with any text editor. It consists of a series of objects, each with a list of its properties.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  VRlab, Umeå university

Phun is an educational, entertaining and somewhat (!) addictive piece of software for designing and exploring 2D multi-physics simulations in a cartoony fashion. It is part of our long term mission to bring visual physics based simulation to the masses. The application is developed for Umevatoriet, Umeås new science center, where it will run on a large interactive display

File Type:Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by computer game Dark Forces.
Open Programs:

Dark Forces

Company / developer:

Dark Forces

Overall, the game is a standard first-person shooter. The majority of enemies are humanoid (mainly Imperial troops and aliens such as Grans) who are easily killed, although the game also features some tougher opponents (such as the Dark Troopers and Boba Fett) who appear relatively infrequently. Dark Forces was not designed to be a gory game, and does not feature any blood.

Dark Forces introduces capabilities such as looking up and down, jumping and crouching, and a headlamp and IR goggles which illuminate dark areas. In contrast to earlier games, the player takes damage from large falls. The game also features liquid surfaces, in the form of rivers and pools, in which the player partially submerges. Levels are generally far more dynamic than in Doom, including such items as moving platforms, conveyor belts, flowing rivers, and rotating fans. These various aspects allowed for more realistic and challenging environments.

Unlike many other FPS games of its era, Dark Forces was constructed around a strong plot. The missions followed a reasonably detailed storyline, sometimes interrupted by cutscenes to progress the tale. Each mission had its own briefing and specific objectives, such as retrieving items or planting explosives, instead of simply killing enemies and reaching the exit. The levels were intentionally designed to present a cognitive as well as physical challenge, and thus included numerous puzzles. The player found himself in numerous and varied environments such as bases, mines, cities, and other known places from the Star Wars universe such as Star Destroyer interiors, Jabba the Hutt's space yacht and Coruscant.

File Type:Pizza Connection 2 saved game
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Pizza Connection 2
Open Programs:

Pizza Connection 2

Company / developer:
  Virgin Games, Inc.

Pizza Connection 2

Your choice of staff or the way you put your menu together could make the difference between success and bankruptcy. The toppings and furnishing styles that you devise must then prove themselves on the market. You can't afford to handle your rivals with kid gloves. Aggressive advertising serves as a legal attack on your rivals in the same way as your excellent choice of location, price policy and quality management. There are statistics to give an overview of your company's progress.

File Type:Quake Live game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Quake Live. File contains game data.
Open Programs:

Quake Live

Company / developer:
  id Software


QUAKE LIVE is a new and innovative multiplayer game experience from id Software - the creators of DOOM and QUAKE - that offers game players of all skill levels a totally free and easily accessible multiplayer game and community through a single website. Every element of the QUAKE LIVE experience, from finding and playing games to post match stats review and social networking are delivered through a single state-of-the-art website.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC